Pretty Guardian Sailor Lilith #1 – « Awakening »

Publié le par Perlune

Étant de notoriété publique un fan inconditionnel de Sailor Moon, je me suis mis en tête d‘en faire un fan game. Mais comme ça prend du temps, il y a des chances qu‘il ne voie jamais le jour, ou alors seulement après une longue période de latence. En attendant, j‘ai décidé de m‘amuser à rédiger le synopsis sous forme de roman. Ca me fera passer le temps.
Voici donc le premier chapitre, Awakening. Oui, c‘est en anglais. Si vous savez pas le parler, eh bien, c‘est l‘occasion de vous y mettre! :p

Being a well-attested a dedicated Sailor Moon fan, I set my heart on making a fangame. But since it does take time, there is a chance it will never be born after all, or only after a long latency period. Until then, I've decided to write the storyline as a novel for fun. It will kill some time.

So here's the first chapter, Awakening. Yep, that's in English. If you can't read it, then, it's a good occasion to get into it! (note to my few English-speaking readers: as for you, it's time to get into French so that you can read the rest of my blog ;) )
There was light. And then, she knew that her nightmare was over. It felt strange, though. The soft, warm light pouring through the window seemed like a dream to her. Like she had not known light for a long, long time.

She brought her hands to her forehead and massaged her stinging eyes. Her body felt heavy. She wondered how much time she had been sleeping. She scanned the side of her bed, searching for a clock, but couldn‘t find any. She glanced over her shoulder.
Where am I?
The room around her was white. The walls and the bed sheets were shaded by dusk‘s dying sunbeams. There were other beds, too. All empty. She suddenly noticed a racing beep. It came from a machine by her side. She realized that the beep had been there all the time. And that it had been steady until just now. She watched the machine in amazement, as she understood - the beep was synchronized with her heartbeats. She tried and regulate them. The beep went slower. She relaxed a bit. But she was still a little anxious.
What am I doing in a hospital?
As she lay there wondering, the door suddenly swung open. She startled as she saw a man entering the room. As he saw her, he looked startled, too.
‘Why, he said, aren‘t we awake? How do you feel?’
Strangely, she couldn‘t place the man‘s face, but his voice wasn‘t unknown to her.
‘Fine... I suppose, she answered hesitantly.’
Hearing her own voice felt as strange as hearing the man‘s. Seemingly excited, he came to the side of her bed, and sat down on a chair, bringing his face at the same level as hers. He was dressed in a white coat. He looked rather young, and pretty handsome. And he seemed to have a rather strong character. She felt a wave of warmth arise in her. It made her confused.
‘Alright. My name is Masao Murasaki. Can you tell me yours?’
For a second, she felt unsure what the question was about. What was the man thinking? Of course she could tell her name. She searched through her memory. Then, and only then, it hit her.
Who am I?
She stared blankly at the man, like a child caught red handed trying to keep her cool. Trying to bring back memories of her life, she quickly grew terrified as she realized how few she had. Too few for a normal person, she sensed. Despite a thorough search, she wasn‘t able to remember her name, any name at all that could be hers. One name did came to her. But it couldn‘t be that one. No, it couldn‘t. But, out of sheer desperation, she decided to take a chance.
The man looked surprised.
‘Is that so?’
‘What makes you think otherwise?’ she questioned, a little too defiantly.
‘Relax! I don‘t mean to upset you. I‘m just trying to help.’
‘Isn‘t my name Ririsu?’
‘Well, your ID says Kasumi Nakano.’
‘Kasumi... Nakano?’
Nakano-san. Kasumi-chan. It did ring a bell somewhere. But it felt distant. Much too distant for a name that‘s supposed to be yours.
‘Would you like it better if I called you Ririsu?’ the man offered gently.
‘No. Kasumi Nakano is fine.’
‘Alright. Then, Nakano-san, I‘m going to ask you some routine questions, if you don‘t mind, and then I‘ll gladly answer all of your questions.’
Assuming the man would ask her about her memories, she was ready to make up some. But the first question surprised her.
‘Can you tell me what day we are?’
Caught off guard, she couldn‘t help but looking even more puzzled than earlier.
‘The day? I-I-I have no idea.’
‘Okay. Relax, it‘s not a big deal. Now do you know which city we are in?’
It had come instantly. The man smiled.
‘See? You‘re not completely lost, after all.’
Not completely lost.
She suddenly sat up.
‘What‘s happened to me? Why can‘t I remember anything? Where is my family? Where are my friends?’
‘Calm down, Nakano-san. I will tell you everything, but please listen to me.’
The man‘s firm, yet soft hands gently made her sink back beneath her sheets.
‘We don‘t know for sure what‘s happened to you. You were found lying on the street with severe bruising and various wounds. We were barely able to bring you back to life. The most plausible hypothesis is that you‘ve fallen from the nearby tower...’
‘Fallen? You don‘t fall from a tower like that, do you?’
‘Well, it‘s true, and yet...’
‘Are you saying that I‘ve been trying to commit suicide?’
The man suddenly looked very uneasy.
‘It might be. But even so, your wounds couldn‘t possibly be due to a sole fall. Actually, they may indicate that you‘ve been in a fight, right before falling off.’
‘Someone would have pushed me?’
‘It might be. But it‘s only a hypothesis, you know.’
‘And what about my family?’
‘Well, that‘s the difficult part... You have no family that we know of.’
‘We‘ve asked all of the Nakano that live around here. Plus, no one by your name or description has been reported missing in the past three weeks.’
‘Three weeks...? How long have I been unconscious?’
‘Well, about that much. You know, it‘s pretty fast to arise from coma.’
She fell silent. She couldn‘t believe something like that was happening. The warm sunbeams that had made her feel like in a dream earlier were fading. The beds, the walls, the man, her heartbeats, the void in her mind, everything around her seemed terribly real now. She couldn‘t hold her tears anymore. She didn‘t remember the nightmare from which she had awoken minutes ago, yet she was confident it couldn‘t be worse than the one she was in right now.

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<br /> This is interesting. But it's only a beginning. Where's the rest of the story?<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> I specialize in beginnings. XD The following parts are in my drafts. I'll make sure to upload them in the following days. ;)<br /> <br /> <br />